
Digital Bees API (DBAPI from now on) is a restricted REST service developed to serve Digital Bees (DB from now on) artists and video information to its partners. The service is based on server side connection between partners server and SRAPI servers and between clients and DBAPI servers.

Domains and platforms

Api Production :


In order to access this service any partner need to own an authentication pair (“apykey”, “apisecret”), those keys will be manually provided you by DigitalBees. Those parameters have to be appended on every request as query string:

&apikey=< value >&apisecret=< value >


Response to an index request is an array listing the matching objects.

List of Video 200 403 404 500 502
/list/video?page=1&perPage=100&sortProperty=creationDate&sortDirection=DESC&apikey=< value >& apisecret=< value >
This requests is pageable, go to pagionation paragraph


Match Video by id 200 403 404 500 502
/get/video/1?apikey=< value >& apisecret=< value >


Match Video from date 200 403 404 500 502
/view/video-by-date?from=< timecode >&to< timecode >&apikey=< value >&apisecret=< value >
Match Most Popular Video from Digitalbees 200 403 404 500 502
/view/most-popular-digitalbees?apikey=< value >&apisecret=< value >
This requests is pageable, go to pagionation paragraph

Response to an index request is an array listing the matching objects.

Search Videos 200 403 404 500 502
/search/video?q=@name%20call%me%maybe&apikey=< value >&apisecret=< value >
This requests is pageable, go to pagionation paragraph


Param Type Description Default
perPage integer perPage is the number of items 100 returned. Default and max value is 100 100
page integer is the page number. The first page is 1. 1
sortProperty integer sortProperty accept a fields as property for sorting. id
sortDirection enum use sortDirection to obtain ascending (ASC) or descending (DSC) order. DESC


400 Bad Request
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway